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April 11, 2012


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The photo of the brushes make me smile - and yes, Seth has a way to bring people together and ask the 'right questions'. Loved reading your answers!

Clare H

Looks like a fabulous book, Amazon UK has it downloadable for kindle already! how cool


Your comments about the effects of the internet on the world of artists are so true. It has certainly drawn me in with a new understanding of what is going on in the art world today. Thanks.
I love the photo of your brushes!


the book looks wonderful! i love your paintbrushes!! those look like they have just painted up a ton of fun!

Michelle Webb

You know Dina it's so true about the not thinking too much about what I'm creating, I just go with whatever I pick up more or less, and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't (that's usually when I overdo something!). The internet is a massive inspiration for me, I'm so pleased than it doesn't matter where you are in the world, we can be thousands of miles apart, and be just a click away from what someone had posted 5 minutes ago! Makes your arty friends not seem so far away. Michelle x

Sarah Anderson

LoVe the image of the brushes :)

Melva Bates

I have been folling your blog for sometime now, and also Seths. The book looks amazing. Your comments where right on the button. I think the internet has changed the way we approach art. I love it........

Carol Weiler

Love that Seth has introduced us to so many awesome artists, love your brushes- well loved and used, and love your Pinterest board-Art that inspires.

Terrie -Creative Explorer

I have followed you for a long time here and on flickr - just love your loose, light hearted use of color and paint. It's a surprise and pleasure to see you here on Seth's hop! I look forward to the many more beautiful things you do!


This has been a great journey through the artistic blogland and I've learned so much. Your curlers are just so cute. They made me reach up to see if mine were dry. LOL

Jo Murray

Congrats for being in the book. Loved 'Creative Jumpstart'


So cool. I am excited to check out this book! I love your answers and your brush photo. So cool.

Melody M. Nunez

It's a pleasure to have found you through Seth's blog tour. (I'm just "above you" on the schedule - 4/10) Love your brushes, your artwork, and your playful spirit! :o)

William Charlebois

Your grungy brushes make a cool piece of art!

Suzanne Bouchard

What a cool picture this collection of well used brushes make!I love all of your work Dina and you are one of the artists I met because of internet and I thank the sky for that!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth

Gosh, I really love the brushes. They are arranged so well, too.

Linda Freeman

Your brushes look so colorful, well used and well loved!

Darlene K Campbell

HI, I've followed your work in my favorite magazines and I buy the mags I don't have subscriptions to if I see your work is in it. Love your video on Creative Jumpstarts/Warm ups. Your personality comes out in a such a positive-fun way in your video. I can only imagine you have a great time teaching your workshops. Hope to interact with you at one some day. Such a cool photo of your brushes. Congrats on being in the book.

jill zaheer

Great post of your fabulous brush photo! So glad to meet you on the continuing blog hop!

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