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« Pouring it into my art journal... | Main | Two pages in progress... »

December 06, 2011


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Carol E

I'm so loving this post about ugly pages. I was just there in my AJ and just said what the heck and just started writing on it anyway. I learned what not to do on the next page! Thanks for reminding us to just keep on filling up those pages!

Marina Haddad

One day I'll learn how to do the things that you do. It is true that ugly pages happen to happen, it certainly does with me all the time. But I simply cannot believe that you have ugly pages... I love all your art!

Carol P

Absolutely love your philosophy about creating art! Totally agree. Thanks for the ideas on using those "puke on a page" < love that phrase. lol


I really have tried to adopt this philosophy. I just started art journaling, drawing faces and playing with color this year. Looking back at the journal I've almost filled, I can see my progress. There are still some "ugly" pages or really poorly shaded faces, but for me, it really is about the creative process and the warmth in my heart when i'm noodling about in there


Love your encouragement, keep telling it to me, you are amazing!:D x x x

Clare H

Love how you put it, puke on a page, always makes me laugh and I think of that every time I make puke on a page LOL! Was fabulous to say hi on Friday! We miss you over here



ugly...well I know this feeling in front some of my projects. but as you said : it's personnal work, and sometimes it drives to good surprises (not so ofte,n !)
thanks for all your advice and funny posts !


I'm framin' this!!! You are wise... & funny... & totally inspiring! (as usual!) :)

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