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« Kenner Road peeks for January... | Main | Some quick art journaling... »

January 11, 2010


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Oh yes. I can see your stress melting away.
I think I need me some sress-melting activity too.
Awesome colours.


ooh i love the purple and orange combo!! Awesome. As Always.


Beautiful pages Diane, love your work. I'm just learning to make my own journals and wondered what kind of paper was used pictured here? I'm sure you've answered that question a number of times but I would appreciate the help right now :-)


Baking & decorating cupcakes does that for me ;) Love your pretty stars !


@Brenda I looked for the same info a while ago. I believe it's the portrait 10x15" book from this post


The books I am using are "Global Art Watercolor Journals"...I buy them from :)


oh la la , I would like to have this kind of journal art....I have look around my place here in canada and I didn't find something similar......I adore your therapy color....I was thinking for my self this morning, if I could read feeling of peoples like I can do habitually on rock or stones....

You confirm it to me...on the way they use color, where they put it, what I can see trough their pressure with pencil or brush oh my god...

just for the fun of it...It looks like if you have received something blessing you 3 or 4 times by the past, but you have give a lot, a lot for compensation of those have the capacity to transfert it to something positif...when you are in if you melt your spirituality and your mental in harmony...after it possible???


Well this really livens things up doesn´t it! Wonderful Stars!!!!!

Gaby Bee

These pages are amazing. Love the lush colors!

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